The Administrative Court, upon the invitation and supported by the UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Serbia, participated in the Seminar “European Convention on Human Rights and International Refugee Law compliant procedures at state borders – Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and measures taken in the context of the execution of judgments”, which was held on 25th October 2024. The Seminar was organized jointly by the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights and the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, which gathered a significant number of national Judges from 27 Council of Europe member states, President of the Court and Judges from the European Court of Human Rights, members of the Court’s Registry, as well as representatives from the UNHCR. The Seminar was attended by the President of the Administrative Court, Judge Radojka Marinković and Advisor for International Cooperation, Professional Development and Training Ivana Kovačević. The Programme of the Seminar referred to the following topics: prohibition of collective expulsions (Art. 4 Protocol IV of the European Convention on Human Rights), admission to territory and to procedures for persons seeking international protection, protection against refoulement under Art. 3 ECHR and removal to “safe third country” – procedural obligations and legal considerations under international law. Ongoing topics, which were discussed within the Programme of the Seminar, are significant for the Administrative Court, in order to follow the standards within the migration and asylum case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.