Seminar “Mechanisms of counteracting conflicting rulings from different domestic courts, CJEU and ECHR”

The President of the Administrative Court Judge Radojka Marinković and Head of the Office of the Court President Dragana Vasić participated in the Seminar “Mechanisms of Counteracting Conflicting Rulings from Different Domestic Courts, the European Court of Human Rights”, which was held in Zagreb, on February 19th, 2024, organized by the association “ACA-Europe” and the High Administrative Court of Croatia. This activity was implemented within the Swedish-Finnish presidency of the association “ACA-Europe” during the period from 2024 to 2026.

In the introductory part of the Seminar, the President of the High Administrative Court, Judge Inga Vezmar Barlek, and the State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia, Juro Martinović, delivered welcome speeches. During the first session, Professor Dario Đerđa, Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Rijeka, presented the General Report, which provides a summary of the responses submitted by the participating states. Afterwards, presentations were made by the President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Judge Kari Kuusiniemi and Judge Carsten Gunter, which was followed by a discussion. The next panel encompassed presentations related to the practice of the ECtHR and the Court of Justice of the EU, which was discussed by Melita Carević from the Law Faculty of the University of Zagreb, Helena Jaderblom, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden, and Krešimir Kamber from the European Court of Human Rights. The afternoon session began with the presentation of national reports of countries that presented the topic in relation to constitutional and special courts. During this session, the Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Austria, Judge Anna Sporrer, along with Judge Ivo Pilving, Chairman of the Council for Administrative Law of the Supreme Court of Estonia and the President of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia, Judge Radojka Marinković, gave their presentations. In her presentation “Mechanisms of Conflicting Decisions – Constitutional and Special Courts in the Republic of Serbia”, Judge Marinković, spoke about the case-law harmonization mechanisms in the Republic of Serbia, as well as mutual interaction between the Constitutional Court and special courts.

The active participation of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia in the association “ACA-Europe”, related to the seminars and other activities is significant for following the current case-law and comparative legislation, bearing in mind the upcoming reform of the administrative judiciary.