Media accreditation



In accordance with a law and the Court Rules of Procedure, the Administrative Court has ensured the adequate access to the media in terms of current information and proceedings conducted before the Court.

The media and public have been informed about the court’s jurisdiction, work, public hearings, court decisions and other relevant information in connection with the court activities through the announcements, the official website presentation of the Court, press releases by the President and Public Relations Officer and through press conferences.

In order to ensure objective, timely and accurate information to the public about the court activities and court proceedings, the Administrative Court may inform media representatives in a timely manner about the trial schedule for the cases of public importance (no later than one day in advance). The journalists and the citizens can get information about the trial schedule from the Bulletin Board and from the official website presentation of the Administrative Court. The media may receive information electronically and via fax.

Media representatives may request all additional information in connection with the court activities from the Public Relations Officer. The accreditation is not required if the journalists follow public trial in the Court. Photographing, audio and video recording on the public hearings is carried out with the prior approval of the Court President, President of the Panel of judges, judge and with the prior written consent of the parties and participants.

Accreditation is required if journalists, cameramen or photographers want to bring the adequate recording equipment with them in the court building.

We hereby kindly ask all media representatives to send their accreditation request at the latest one day before desired event for photographing or recording to ensure sufficient time to make a decision.

“Media representatives may file their accreditation requests only in language which is in official use in the Republic of Serbia -